Don't let the lockdown lock you down and demotivate to a sedentary life style. Pickup our finest indoor trainers and trainer easy and smart, right at home, while following the social distancing and improving the overall fitness considerably. What the best is the entire members at home can exercise whenever they wish with a single home trainer and even a basic bicycle can be make use of the modern trainers.

Talk to us for any assistance for picking up the trainer.

Don't Let the Covid-19 Lockdown Lock your health! - Get our Indoor | Home Trainers for the whole family

Tacx Home Trainer | Antares Rollers T100

Rs. 18,490.00

Tacx Home Trainer | Galaxia Rollers T110

Rs. 25,490.00

Tacx Home Trainer | Boost trainer + Garmin Speed Sensor-2 bundle

Rs. 26,990.00