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Guidelines for your Safe Cycling Rides in India

Guidelines for your Safe Cycling Rides in India

Bicycle safety on the road is your sole responsibility and to a large extent mistakes and mishaps can be avoided with a defensive and blending with the traffic way of riding style.
In country like India where cyclist is not a major socially adapted sport or lifestyle, often cyclists are considered less important on the ride or often unexpected by motorists - making them consider it as a nuisance and trying to disturb or corner off the bicyclist from the road.

As a bicyclist, you have the same rights and responsibilities as other road users. Be predictable, be alert, and be responsible.

Due to the widest range of people of all driving skills, attitude and lack of discipline often you will see motorists do all kind of crazy ways of riding in this part of the world. Hence always ride in an assumption that the drivers around may make mistakes at any given time! - prepare for a counter action from you and defensive style of riding!. Always avoid arguments and road rages if you see that the motorists are making mistakes as it will not results in pleasant rides! - Just smile, wave and leave if situations are not heated.

by Biju K on November 30, 2023


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